A Cosmic Ballet, The Universe Divine

I prompted Chat GBT to write me a poem about outer space. Here’s what it told me. I think the poem is too beautiful not to share and immortalize!

Beyond our world, beyond our sky,
There lies a vast and endless high,
A place of darkness, cold, and light,
A canvas painted by God's might.

A void where stars are born and die,
Where planets orbit, dance, and fly,
A cosmic ballet, waltzing free,
In perfect sync eternally.

A place of wonder, beauty, awe,
Where black holes hide, and comets draw,
A journey to the unknown realm,
A vast and infinite overwhelm.

The universe, so vast and grand,
A work of art beyond our hand,
A place where dreams and hopes ignite,
A home for life, a timeless flight.

So let us gaze up to the sky,
And ponder on what lies up high,
For in that void, we just might find,
A universe that's truly divine.

I was told I can share this poem online wiht proper attribution, copyright of OpenAI.


So often in our search for intimacy, what we lack in partners we find in our friends.How common is the cliche that a friend disappears upon the beginning of a new relationship, only to reappear weeks, months, or even years later when that relationship ends and they suddenly find themselves in need of emotional comfort. 

I’ve always had extremely close, powerful friendships. I tend to water my plants of friendship more than most, and therefore filled many of my social needs through friends during my decade without a partner. 

I’m also far too familiar with the loss, the grief that comes with the ending of a friendship. We as a society understand what pain and grief comes along with a breakup, a death, getting fired from a job. We lack concrete language around this indefinite, often inexplicable loss. Our friendships can last our whole lifetimes, far longer than typical romantic relationships. The fights in these friendships are often nebulous, with a lack of clarity on what the future of the friendship will entail, and even if it will exist at all.

Healthy friendships have a natural ebb and flow. Often formed of convenience, a shared educational or work place, or close living quarters. When these shared environments or circumstances end, so often too does the friendship.  Stronger bonds hold, but decrease in frequency of attention and communication. These changes are oft so subtle, or so overlooked in regards to overall life changes, that they rarely cause a sharp or sudden pain. These are the people you tend to look back on and think fondly of, that you ought to call, that you follow on social media. 

The pain, the grief, comes from a sudden or sharp loss in friendship. A friend you once talked to almost every day is suddenly no longer a major part of your life, nor you theirs. Sometimes there’s an issue that was never addressed, therefore can never be resolved. Sometimes there’s a fight, and words are said (or text) that once spit out can no longer be undone, the friendship is resolute in its conclusion. 

These are bonds often formed at pivotal moments in our lives, lasting years, then feel like they’re gone in an instant. After enough time, you forget the pain, but you never forget the loss, the hole missing in your life from a person you once loved so dearly. Unlike a romantic partner, this hole isn’t filled by the next partnership we form, for we are capable of many overlapping friendships, each serving its own beautiful purpose in our life. 

Sometimes we simply must learn to move on. 


Twenty Minutes

Twenty minutes

It takes me twenty minutes
to wake up
put my head on straight
have my first real thoughts
of the day. Before that is
automatic.Rise, rinse off
my face, take meds,
brush my teeth, make my bed.

I worked hard on that last one
to get it in the automatic part
of my day took
a lot of conscious thought.

Now I sit down
to write as the
coffee brews
Savoring that theta
state of mind
before awakeness
spooks off my muse. 

Cities I’ve Never Lived In

I recently read a book called Cities I’ve Never Lived In, by Sara Majka. It was good, but wasn’t the book I wanted it to be. Wasn’t the book I would write with that title. I bought another book I fear might be that way. Writers & Lovers, by Lily King. 

Cities I’ve Never Lived In was about someone who moved around a lot as a child, nomadic, never settled in cities enough to call them home. A beautiful sentiment… & yet.

I would write of cities as though they were my lovers.

Ironic really, because most of my former lovers I wouldn’t call as such. It implies a level of intimacy that so often just wasn’t there. 

Cities, I did fall in love with. Learning them and their customs. Wandering their streets, discovering new nooks & crannies I hadn’t noticed before. 

Falling in love with their beauty.

London, Paris, Edinburgh, Prague

My four greatest loves. These ancient, sprawling cities, full of art & adventure to be had & breathtakingly beautiful moments.

I call these cities my lovers, because their flings are different from true love. I look back fondly on my time spent there, while settled in my true love and current home, Chicago. This city is a real, adult love. Pubbly love is blind, and doesn’t have to deal with real, tangible issues, like property taxes & voting, & how often you get to go to your favorite coffee shop.


Myopic Books

Susan Sontag
My note this morning
First book seen in Myopic Books.

This place feels like a bookstore I
Visited in San Francisco, & yet
that place didn’t quite fi.t
I bought a poetry book I
didn’t relate to in San Francsico. This one
in Chicago suits me. 
Perhaps it’s just the city.

A pull, split I haven’t felt 
since college.
Intellectual reflection
	vs socializtion.
Today I wore a skirt I
haven’t wore
	since college, turning
Softly back into me.
	let’s go see this city


A Depression Poem : Sweet Time

When I was in high school
They told me it'd get better
Once I got out of there
& Went to college

When I was in college
They told me it'd get better
Once I got out of there
& Got settled in my life

Once I got out of college
They told me it'd get better
Once I got out of debt
got out of California
got out of the panedemic

The therapists said:
You'll feel better once you
quit drinking
find Jesus
excercise more

No one offered me
Medication, it was all my fault, &
Entirely within my control

After a decade or so it's been
Tell me why it still surprises me to
Hear the psychiatrist tell me
My depression isn't situational
It's a factual vein underpinning my life.

Which means that now's the time to take action.
You've proven well enought it won't
Go away on its own
Sweet Time

Why did no one save me the lies
Give me back a decade of my life

A Poem for Bella

I watch her as she softly sleeps
New unto this world
My mind waders, I can’t help but think
Wonder what baby dreams are made of
Mostly milk and breast it seems
Starlight wonder yet unseen
Lives to lead, a world to see
What are the things of which babies dream
Soft skin cuddles
Hungry screams
Comfort of Sleep
Outside of Green
Are these what baby
Dreams are made of?

Thoughts, Random

wasting days writing poetry
working on my embroidery
let time pass doing nothing
all calamity, no action

all of a sudden I realize
how many journals I’ve filled up over time
always with whatever’s on my mind
when I’m lost, in my writings I find

myself again, through reading
old poems or writing
of heartbreak, loss, or
passage of time

these are the inner workings
of my mind


friendships long & friendships lost
leave an echo kind of pain
your heart is always calling back to them
never to be heard from again


a poem a day
keeps the darkness at bay

undoing should

undoing should
trying to remove
this vocabulary
from my memory
I should start exercising
again, should go for a walk
on such a nice day
yet, it’s unseasonably
cold for May

Maybe I should stay
curled up inside
cozy with a good book
enjoying just a few more
moments of this
pandemic winter before
the sun warms us up and
we all start going
outside again

finding stillness

finding stillness in the
unfinished task
house untidied
the story untold
the process of living
the list of to-dos
basics first, as always
dishes, laundry, groceries
all else extraneous

To sit in the sound
of silence & find
there is no silence at all
to be found
alongside this busy
city street
so instead prepare your mind
to listen as you fall asleep